In this article we will learn about BFree and understand how to use it in your next project.
Batteries are harmful to the environment, and many embedded applications do not require a steady supply of energy. However, simply connecting an energy-harvesting source to a microcontroller does not solve the problem completely. Because energy from gathered sources is not consistent and may not be sufficient to power the gadget constantly, we must buffer some energy (typically in a capacitor). The technology activates for a few seconds when a particular amount of energy is collected. It would be inconvenient if the software started from the beginning every time the machine rebooted. Going into a sleep state might also be troublesome because you never know when your energy will return.
BFree is a system that consists of energy-harvesting hardware (the BFree Shield) and a power-failure-resistant version of Python, one of the most widely used and accessible programming languages. All that is required of the user is a basic grasp of Python to quickly and simply convert any do-it-yourself (DIY) smart gadget into a battery-free version. With this technique, inexperienced programmers may now convert their homemade battery-powered motion sensor, for example, into a solar-powered sensor with an endless lifetime.
How does it work?
The intermittent-computing element is completely undetectable to the user (maybe you!). Internally, the modified CircuitPython interpreter talks with the BFree shield and determines whether a "checkpoint" is needed. A checkpoint captures a snapshot of the program at that point in time. This is the point at which the application will continue when the system runs out of power and ultimately restarts. The system always resumes from the most recent successful checkpoint. A checkpoint is formed by transmitting the interpreter's state (such as the current location in the program, variable values, peripheral status, and so on) to the BFree shield, which saves it in non-volatile memory (FRAM). Please read the entire study for additional information.
Even inexperienced programmers use the new technique to convert "their DIY battery-powered motion sensor, for example, into a solar-powered sensor with an endless lifetime. The BFree technology enables gadgets to run indefinitely on intermittent power. The system pauses calculations when power is lost. When power is restored, it automatically resumes without losing any memory or having to run through a long list of procedures.
Make use of the following resources for your next BFree project.