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Top 5 Platforms To Learn Programming For Free in 2023

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

Programming is enjoyable! A rewarding experience that everyone should try to participate in and learn from. Programming opens a lot of opportunities for new developers, allowing them to take advantage of and apply new ideas. What are the greatest free resources for a starting enthusiast or someone wishing to learn more programming languages? Programming has become far more important than it has ever been in the modern world. The majority of programming aspirants desire to improve their coding skills and have a better understanding of the fundamentals of programming. Although there are many profitable organisations, companies, and courses that give in-depth guidance and content on programming in any specific language of your choosing, most novices would prefer to improve their skills by using free websites and courses. Free internet information is the ideal option for learning coding or a new computer language. It will assist you in weighing your options and preferences. So, without further ado, let's dig into the greatest free programming websites.

1. freeCodeCamp

Free Code Camp is a non-profit organisation that provides programmers and developers with some of the most useful content and resources. It has a lot of high-quality posts, instructions, and materials for beginners who want to practice and improve their coding skills. Interactive learning web platforms for practicing web development utilizing programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are only a few examples of their fantastic content provided on the internet. To get the necessary outcomes, you can work on a variety of assignments and practice questions alone or in couples. Responsive web design systems, algorithms and data structures for JavaScript, front-end development libraries, data visualisations and data science, data analysis with Python, information security, APIs and microservices, machine learning with Python, and much more are among the free verified certifications available on their website.

2. W3Schools

W3Schools is an online learning platform for web technology. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Python, AngularJS, React.js, SQL, Bootstrap, Sass, Node.js, jQuery, XQuery, AJAX, XML, Raspberry Pi, C++, C#, and Java are among the topics covered.

W3Schools is one of the best places for developers to learn free information. It uses a documentation-style approach to provide information as well as handy interactive code blocks, which you may explore by clicking the "try it yourself" button. W3Schools provides some of the best programming tutorials available online, as well as excellent examples for performing code block experiments. It also gives you access to some of the top resources, exercises, and courses for developers and other users to engage in, participate in, and use to improve their productivity.

3. Sololearn

SoloLearn is a free online resource for software engineers who are starting from scratch with a new programming language. Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, and JavaScript are among the 13 languages covered. In addition to their website, SoloLearn has an app that allows users to brush up on their fundamentals while on the go. By taking part in short classes and multiple choice quizzes, users can earn points and badges. They can also upload their own work and browse the projects of other users. On the course Q&A discussion board, those who want to get more active can ask questions and provide feedback. The exercises on SoloLearn can help beginners and intermediate software engineers improve their abilities in order to prepare for technical interviews or learn new languages. Although SoloLearn is a useful tool for learning fundamental ideas and rules, the questions are all multiple choice. As a result, users are not required to write their own solutions in order to solve the difficulties. As a result, beginners will probably want to use SoloLearn in conjunction with a more hands-on learning environment.

4. Codecademy

Beginner developers and programming enthusiasts will find Codecademy to be an excellent place to focus their time and effort in improving their coding skills. Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, Swift, and Sass, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS, are among the programming languages covered by Codecademy's free online interactive sessions. It also provides one of the greatest platforms for learning to code, with a series of assignments to complete before moving on to the next level. Beginner developers and programming enthusiasts will find Codecademy to be an excellent place to focus their time and effort in improving their coding skills. Python, Java, Go, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, C#, Swift, and Sass, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS, are among the programming languages covered by Codecademy's free online interactive sessions. It also provides one of the greatest platforms for learning to code, with a series of assignments to complete before moving on to the next level.

5. Hacker Rank

HackerRank is one of the most useful websites on the internet since it provides a wide range of materials for new developers. It includes several fast crash courses, such as a 30-day challenge to obtain more programming language skills. It provides a variety of programming languages in which coding lovers can study and devote their time. HackerRank is most likely the greatest website to use if you want to work for a corporation. On these websites, the majority of coding interviews are completed successfully. HackerRank is a site that caters to both developers and businesses. While programmers aim to take their coding abilities to the next level and boost their proficiency by taking on a variety of challenges available on these websites, At the same time, the organisations are looking for the top people who can answer their interview questions and duplicate the greatest potential outcomes and outcomes.


So that is all about the Top 5 Platforms To Learn Programming For Free in 2021. If you are completely new to programming I would recommend starting with python which will help you to get the fundamentals and then you can advance to c++ or java according to your interest. Python crash course is a best way to start. The majority of the resources and websites mentioned in this post are reliable and contain some of the best content available online. Personally, I've utilised most of these resources extensively or visited these websites while conducting research for this post. I'm hoping they'll be able to assist viewers as much as they did for me when I first started programming. I'm sure there are a slew of other fantastic free materials available online that I've overlooked in this piece. If you think I left something out that you would have liked to see in this post, please leave a comment below and let everyone know about the many other free websites that are available for any enthusiast to use. If you have any questions about the various topics raised in this post, please leave them in the comments section below. I'll do my best to respond to you as quickly as possible.

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